Evan Hafer, the coffee roaster who pledged to hire 10,000 veterans in response to Starbucks’ pledge to hire 10,000 immigrants has some of the best coffee we at Icon Foods and Steviva have had the pleasure to caffeinate on.
When asked was that kind of opportunity, for employment and for support, something you felt was missing when you returned from your own military service? He answered, absolutely. My job to own Black Rifle Coffee is to inspire and motivate veteran entrepreneurs in order to emancipate themselves from government service. Because you were a servant, but when I franchise these coffee shops [to veterans], they’re going to own it. Of course there’s a franchise fee, because it can’t be free, but they’re going to own it. They’re going to have the opportunity to create their own destiny and that’s incredible. Good coffee and a good cause. Support them at https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/