Holy crap! Seriously. This is another spectacular book that is a must read if you care about your gut health. Human Superorganism is an extraordinarily powerful book, written for the general audience. It lays out the facts, if I may, in an easy to digest manner.

Dietert, who lives this world, thinks it will shortly become a routine part of medicine. Doctors who do not prescribe probiotics to follow antibiotics will be accused of malpractice. Caesareans will not be a lifestyle choice. Whole new industries will develop around microbes, prebiotics and probiotics.

In the meantime, Dietert says we must instruct our doctors to take the microbiome into consideration in everything they prescribe. We must eat more fermented foods. Somehow, we must stop being our own worst enemy.

While serving as Director of Cornell’s Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors as well as its toxicology institute, Rodney gained valuable public health experience as well as a specific vision for reducing the risk of chronic diseases. He is an international speaker, university teacher, and workshop leader with audiences running the gamut from pre-college students to Rotary Club members to international scientific conference attendees.