Written on Feb, 13, 2018
by Thom
https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Sales-Machine-Turbocharge-Relentless/dp/1591842158 This is a great book on how to sell and develop some good manager skills specifically and other than that it’s a good book in general. Holmes taught me a simple and very effective way of managing my time in the first…
Written on Feb, 13, 2018
by Thom
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/carrot-to-do-talking-task-list/id591840203 Simply having a to-do list does not guarantee you’ll get anything done. In fact, most of our to-do lists start with “Make a To-Do List,” just so we can cross something off. With CARROT, your to-do list becomes a game, and you…